Crispin Master Control Automation

LoadingDock and FARlink Software in the NAB Spotlight

LoadingDock and FARlink Software in the NAB Spotlight

As part of NAB this year, Sony’s technologies, including our Crispin LoadingDock and FARlink solutions, are in the spotlight. This write-up by Media & Entertainment Services Alliance (MESA) outlines all of Sony’s new features, including more specific information about LoadingDock and FARlink.

“In addition to Ci, Sony said its Crispin division’s LoadingDock and FARlink software provide stations with the ability to aggregate program and commercial content from various locations in the cloud and on-prem by using a centralized solution. Combining Crispin’s traffic interface and FARlink integration with Ci, station groups can now manage and execute playback of all their content from the cloud, Sony said.”

Read the full article here and additional information at ProductionHUB.