Crispin Master Control Automation

Disaster Contingency

What is Disaster Contingency

Crispin prides itself in our modular approach to our overall solution offering. By allowing customers to customize the solution to fit their needs for today and evolve for tomorrow, we are able to keep costs down and meet specific needs.

While the term disaster recovery is a very broad term, it can mean many things when talking about your broadcast facility. We would love to talk options with you and what this looks like for your facility.

Whether building extra redundancy into your existing system, splitting the system, running a separate backup system or even talking playout of the cloud, we are here to help guide the conversation and discuss options.

On-demand command buttons

Command buttons are customized to fit your station needs and can be executed with a single click.

Dynamic Gang Roll

Rolly multiple playlists simultaneously right from the webRPX UI, with gang-roll events assigned dynamically on the fly by operators

Missing Media/Error List

Visual indicator for playlist errors launches consolidated list to allow operators to quickly manage their channel. The errors List saves time by not having to "scrub" each list.

User Controls

Protect your playlist by preset specific users' rights. Specify rights for access by full access, specific channel only access, or view only.

new overal system features

Multi-System Playlist Control and Syncing for Redundancy

  • webRPX can streamline playlists across a multi-station group by running the same playlist for two separate systems with geographically disparate locations. All while controlling each location’s own playback equipment.


  • Playlist syncing allows for downstream system to take either feed, at any time, if a disruption is detected. Also, works as a great tool for implementing maintenance updates to the system.


  • Accomplished without any additional operator involvement due to multi-system syncing function. An operator can make edits or execute commands from one playlist and the system will mirror all changes to the second system in the background.


  • Plus, this functionality can be utilized as an extra layer of redundancy by running one system on-prem and the other in the cloud.

news & events

TAB Show 2024

Are you planning to attend the 2024 Texas Association of Broadcasters...

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